Monday, October 20, 2008


We are on the Trying to Conceive path again, we actually started 4 months ago. Last cycle I had the usual pre menstrual spotting for a few days and then it stopped and so on CD 27 and 13DPO I tested and got a BFP but it was very, very faint but DH could see it too and so I thought I would test again the next morning as I had taken the test at night. The next morning I got up a little excited and took another test but BFN. So I thought I will wait until tomorrow and test again. But I didn't need to as AF arrived in all her glory, waaaaaa. And Af who is usually 5 days or so continued on and on and on some days were just spotting then when I had had it for 13 days it got super heavy again like day 1 and I had had enough so I took myself off to my lovely GP John who told me he suspected an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. And I felt a little sad at that point. He was very sympathetic and sent me off for an ultrasound to ensure there were no retained products which there weren't thanks goodness. Then bleeding continued on for another 4 days so 17 days all up and now I am waiting waiting for something to happen AF or O, I think I am on CD 31 sigh. When will I be pregnant again? I so want another baby and I know it will happen but when. Sigh.

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