Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Beginnings

My big boy started school this year, here in Vic it is called Prep. So he did 6 months of three year old kinder, and a year of four year old kinder and now off to big boy school, sniff! But really he was so ready for it. Look how handsome he looks in his uniform. His first few days were a bit meh with him telling me it was boring, but now he has made a few friends and has a little bit of a crush on a lovely girl, he is enjoying it more. And I have made a friend, and a couple of people I say hi to not the same as friends! Hee hee. 

I received an offer for a place at Uni so I am off to Uni for the year to study a Grad Dip Ed in Education (Early Childhood) which qualifies me to be a four year old kinder teacher among other things. So the plan is to apply for work for next year, as long as it all goes to plan and I pass! Then next year we will be saving saving saving  and paying off debts and then maybe in the last half of the year start looking for a house to buy, eeekkkk/yay! Of course it is great to have plans but other people need to be on board with these plans too, ie my husband!!!! He needs a full time job. Hmmm.

So poor little Lita is stuck with no mummy 5 days a week and no Dylan either. She is being cared for by daddy two days a week, granny one day a week and daycare two days a week. She hates daycare, sigh. Hates it. She is so used to being with me. And at home. I am hoping she gets used to it, at the moment she is sad oh so sad about going. This morning when I dropped her off she started crying as we pulled in to the centre, then was putting her seatbelt back on when I was trying to get her out of the car. So very sad is our Lita, our almost birthday girl, turning 2.

The christmas holidays flew by. We did lots of fun things like roller skating, bowling, a trip to adventure park in Geelong, movies, playdates, the pool and lots of playing with each other. I read many, many books 10 at least which was great. I adore reading I forgot how great reading is. I have always been a avid reader but for many years during my twenties and early thirties kind of lost the love for reading but it has returned although this year I will be reading more school books than fun books but that is ok, I will have the rest of my life to read. I hope my kids love reading too, Dylan loves being read to and Adelita is starting to get into it so there is a great potential for them to adore it too.

So new beginnings for us all and here's hoping for a successful prep/uni/daycare year!