Happy 7 months baby girl. This last month has seen lots of solids activity with you being on (sort of) three meals a day. I say sort of because some days you don't have 3 meals and some days you do and really what you consume is quite minimal. Apart from your porridge with fruit in morning which you wolf down and you also love bread and baby mum mum rusks. You love orange vegies too and I often give you some steamed or roasted chunks for you to eat. So apart from brekky you are doing baby led weaning for your meals. Which I am loving (apart from the mess) but you have taken to it so well and it saves me pureeing all these meals for you. I just cook you up stuff fresh or you eat what vegies we are having. It helps too that we are now eating mostly organic veg and fruit as we get a box delivered weekly. I usually have to top up with some things and try to get organic but can't always. I am trying to also buy only wholemeal bread and have started getting organic pasta, milk and cheese. Plus free range eggs and chicken.
This month also saw you clapping your hands more well sort of clapping you love to wave your arms around and then they make contact like a clap. Your personality is really coming out too you like to smile at people but they really need to work for it. You are starting to recognise the people we see a lot of like Aunty Anna and Evie and Abi, Granny and Grandma and Papa,and you will give them lovely smiles. Strangers though and people we don't see that often really have to work for their smiles but they usually get them eventually. You have also been sitting and working those core muscles you are really very strong and can sit up for quite a long time. You are a very strong willed girl little Adelita and this is coming out more and more every day, if you want something you really try your very hardest to get it. Your teeth are on the move too you already have your bottomo two and now seem to be getting more with you putting you fingers in your mouth a lot and having some bad nights with sleeping. So more coming I suspect.
Mummy got a new digital SLR camera this month and has been using it quite a bit I have so much to learn but I want to have photography as a hobby and want to use my two favourite people in the world as my subjects. So I have been practicing a lot.
Anyway I will more to say for your eight month look in as you have doing more things in the next month.
Bye darling.
PS Mummy is hopeless with this blog and getting the photos in the right position so they are all at the top, oh well!
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