6 months old today my little beauty. How did we get her so quickly? Yesterday you were a newborn and today you are a baby that can do stuff.
I am so enraptured by you and your developing personality and your overall development as it seems to be happening oh so fast.
It seems like a few weeks ago you were still not really doing much then all of a sudden you did all of this stuff and are doing more every day. Like sitting, playing with your feet, new sounds you are making, more interaction with us. You like touching our faces and looking around at who you are sitting on it is so cute.
Today on your 6 month birthday you got up on hands and knees so I think crawling is just around the corner for you.
We started you on solids 2 weeks ago and so far you have tried pumpkin (loved), avocado (no thanks), broccoli (yuck), potato (nup), apple (you seem to like this), banana (maybe a bit sweet for you) and carrot (loved). I am just mashing stuff up for you at the moment and you can eat it quite well. But in a few weeks we are going to start baby led solids and so I will be giving you chunks of things to eat and see how you go. We skipped right past the rice cereal and purees and this is suiting you and me. I was going to start you on solids at exactly 6 months but a fortnight ago you were so ready for it so we gave it a go and have not looked back. At the moment you are having a milk feed in the morning and then some fruit about half an hour later and then some pumpkin or something for lunch. Next week we might try some porridge with fruit in it for brekky. Yum.
I had no plans of giving you a dummy Adelita but at 6 weeks I gave you one in the car cos you hated it so much and gradually it worked it's way inside and now you seem to be getting a bit more reliant on it to help you sleep. I would like to wean you off it but don't know when to start of how to start. I guess I could just take it away and have a few bad nights/days with you. I would much rather you use me as your dummy and your comfort. I do feed you to sleep every night and every afternoon nap time but a lot of the time as I am transferring you to your bassinet you tend to start opening your mouth for more boobie and so as I can't stay with you all night I usually pop your dummy in so will have to try and figure out a way of getting you to stop doing that. Ha! I only just weaned Dylan off his dummy at 4 and I don't want to be doing this with you.
Mummy has gone a bit overboard on clothes for you and has been feeling guilty about it. You really don't need as many clothes as I have bought you (actually if we didn't receive any hand me downs it would be just right, but as we did get hand me downs you have a bit too many clothes) so around the house you will be wearing your hand me downs and as we have a few parties and birthdays and events later in the year and earlier next year you will have lots of lovely things to wear to these. And I am going to sell some stuff and donate some too. Makes me feel a little less guilty.
Dylan has been enjoying playing with you Adelita as you are now more and more interactive and it delights him to make you smile and when you do things back. He is also excited for you when you can do something which isd very sweet. He loves his little sister.
I am sure there were many other things I wanted to say to you on this momentous day your half birthday but have forgotten them.
Love you always darling girl.
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