First birthday
As you can see we had a ladybug party for Adelita's first birthday. It's become a bit of a joke and a slight obsession really with my dear friend A even saying to me "You know she's not a ladybug!". But I just have grown to adore ladybug's and every time I see something with a ladybug on it I am tempted to get it for Adelita. So far she has many ladybug toys, ladybug tops, hats, bibs, shoes, hair clips, and three pairs of ladybig pyjamas to grow into, LOL. What a nut I am. So the theme was ladybugs and I found these super cute first birthday invites at spotlight with ladybugs and butterflies on them and matching party stuff like serviettes, whistles, hats, etc. I then went mad on Ebay getting ladybug themed things for the party bags. It is absolutely amazing what is on Ebay. And of course I made a ladybug cake, not my best effort but I rushed it in the end. But good enough. There was also ladybug balloons and my girl wore a ladybug spotted top with a black tutu, frilly nappy pants, ladybug hair clip (which mostly stayed in) and ladybug sandals, oh so cute. And yes slightly over the top but she looked divine. The party was fabulous with my girl and boy having a fantastic time and little Adelita was very spoilt. Lots of lovely gifts. Some of my faves were a beautiful babushka doll themed music box, ladybug spinning top and cute red ladybug top for winter. My in laws had a rather large rocking horse made for her much to my dismay because A they didn't ask us, B I wanted to get her one a different sort too, and C it really is quite big and our bedrooms are not huge. But they really meant well. I guess it is the sort of rocking horse my mother in law would have loved herself as a little girl and never had and also wanted to get for her own daughter but never had one, so there you go. I am sure when Adelita is big enough she will adore it. And it is such good solid quality it will be able ot be handed down to future generations like some of the furniture Adelita has now from her great grandmother.
Another baby?
So my girl is one, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Gee that year went quickly. And she has done so much. And come so far from a precious newborn to a pre toddler all in a year. Wow. That went quick. And the next question is do I want to do it again in the near future. Yes I do. I do want another baby and I do want another child. And hubby has said yes. And I am teetering towards going for number 3 at this point. But do I want to do another hard and potentially harder pregnancy, hmmmm. Is it worth it to put my body through it all again. Do i want to do yet another bad labour. I can only assume that these are the realities of another pregnancy and birth. I do not want to have a caesarean and I do not want to have an epidural so that leaves battling it out naturally. I had SPD and high blood pressure and huge weight gains last time do I want that again. The other thing is that hubby has said he does not want to be too old having our third so has suggested trying this year and I am not and don't think I will be ready this year so all of these things to consider. Plus can we afford it. I have spent far too much money on Adelita so would I do the same thing for number three. Possibly. But we cannot afford that. And then when will I go back to work to study and when will be buy our house. Plus I want to lose weight like a lot of weight and I would like to be at my goal wight before falling pregnant so I have at least 15 kgs to get there. I am on the right track though having started lite n easy this week. I will probably do it for a month and then try and go it alone as it is pretty exxy! Hmmmmm a lot to consider. To me I think it would be all worth it to have busy christmases and a full dining table and to squeeze just one more lovely child into my car. LOL. And to fit one more of the gorgeouses that we produce into our lives.
My girl
Something funny Adelita is doing at the moment is smacking her lips when she is hungry, wants milk or sees food and wants it. Very cute. The milk thing has a bit more to it she comes up to me and nuzzles into my cleavage giving it a kiss, and then smacks her lips and looks up at me as if to say "Come on get them out!". LOL. I love it. Dylan did not do this. As my friend A said Dylan knew that there was a time and a place for milk, not that I instilled that in him particularly that was just our breastfeeding relationship. He had boob in the morning sometimes during the day and at night he had a bottle. I was working 3 days a week when Dylan was Adelita's age so it was all different and him and I weren't as good at it as Adelita and I are. She has it during the night all day if she wants and before sleep. But I think perhaps this makes her not as hungry for solid food. Anyway.
Another thing that is different is Adelita is on the verge of walking. She can stand by herself and can take a few steps between things and she is walking everywhere around the house pushing her dolly pram around and anything else she gets her hands on. She is really quite good at it. I think she will be walking properly within the next month. Dylan was 15 and a half months so I am thinking she will be younger. Not much talking here though. Just dada mumma and ta.
Just watched her putting the correct shape in a shape sorter, genius of course! She just loves putting things into things and taking them out which makes it easy when packing things up at music. As soon as the activity is finished and the bag comes out she holds her instrument up and starts going "ta, ta" and puts hers and mine away.
New trampoline
I was so excited like a little girl on christmas eve waiting for this trampoline I got off ebay for Dylan. Sadly it arrived and then he had to wait for 3 days before it could be put up but he did ok. He was very surprised. Now it is up and he is so excited about it. He said to me today "I am so happy about my new trampoline thanks mummy!" cute huh. So excited for him. He has so many things my brother and I didn't have like a trampoline, a cubby, swingset etc. My mum was always so tight with her money and worried that we never go that sort of stuff. I guess also nowadays it is all so much more available and more price friendly to get.
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