I cannot believe it the time is going so so fast. Another month gone already.
Things you have been doing this last month are really playing with toys well gripping them and shaking them around. You can hold your head up really well when doing tummy time or being held. You have just discovered raspberries and blow lots and they are messy. You already drool and spew heaps so there is a need for you to wear bibs all the time, lucky I got you some very stylish ones. You love the bath and when I lie you down in it you kick and throw your arms around and smile up at me, I can tell it is one of your favourite places to be, that and in mummy's arms. You may or may not have rolled from back to tummy yesterday I am sure I put you down on your back with a toy in your hand and I turned around to put something in your wardrobe and then you were on your tummy but my memory is sometimes not fabulous so I may have put you on you tummy to begin with, so I am waiting with baited breath to see you do it again. You are still pretty bald too with lots of comments about that, your brother definitely had more hair at your age and your little friend Evie has almost enough for a clip, but the consensus is that even though you are a baldy you are really very very pretty and have gorgeous eyes, many people have said that and I agree my little pretty girl.
We have been spending lots of time with your friend Evie which is lovely now that we live closer to Evie and Abi we can see them so much more and we go to their playgroup now which Dylan loves. Our week is very busy now as Dylan goes to two days of 3 year old kinder, one day of day care, one morning of music and we all go to playgroup so the weekends are a relief. But it is nice to get out and meet new people and see mine and Dylan's friends. We had Dylan's 4th birthday in the last month and it went down really well. Lots of pressies for our spoilt boy. A lovely cubby for Daddy to put up that Dylan and Adelita will both get use out of.
Anyway happy 5 months darling girl next month we will be starting solids, feel a bit sad about that, but that is for another day.
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