Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If I were.......

Thanks Averil I love these sorts of things:

If I were a month I would be May

If I were a day of the week I would be Sunday

If I were a time of day I would be 7.30am

If I were a planet I would be Earth

If I were a sea animal I would be a mermaid (sorry Averil i did steal this one but i have always found myself drawn to mermaids)

If I were a direction I would be south

If I were a piece of furniture I would be a chaise lounge

If I were a liquid I would be a caramel latte

If I were a gemstone I would be an aquamarine

If I were a tree I would be an apple tree

If I were a tool I would be a spirit level

If I were a flower I would be a lily or tulip

If I were a kind of weather I would be a summer strorm

If I were a musical instrument I would be a singing voice

If I were a colour I would be purple or green

If I were an emotion I would be joy

If I were a fruit I would be an apple

If I were a sound I would be a baby's first coos

If I were an element I would be fire

If I were a car I would be a Mustang Fastback as my husband really desires one of these!

If I were a food I would be smoked salmon

If I were a place I would be a cool green valley

If I were a material I would be jersey cotton

If I were a taste I would be sweet and milky

If I were a scent I would be cool and fresh

If I were an animal I would be a black cat or a chipmunk cos of my cheeks

If I were an object I would be a DVD

If I were a body part I would be a mouth

If I were a facial expression I would be a toothy grin

If I were a pair of shoes I would be a pair of high heeled black and white t-bar mary janes.

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