39 weeks on Thursday and I am feeling every pound of this big boofa baby.
I have SPD, cankles, feeling hot all the time and having trouble sleeping, waaaaa. Well all good practice for when this little one decides to make his or her appearance in this world. I must admit I am looking forward to interrupted sleep from a newborn as opposed to interrupted sleep from pains in the night.
On top of being almost 39 weeks and all of my physical issues (it is my body's way of telling me I am getting too old for this) we are moving into a new place in the next week. It was pruchased on the 23rd of December and settlement was supposed to be on the 5th of Feb which gave me a month to unpack and nest. Unfortunately the dude that built the unit did not do everything properly when subdivising leavinbg us with a settlement date of tomorrow, eeeeeekkkkkkk. Oh well the move still must go on. My husband is doing most of it but I have been helping. I just can't wait to get in there and start nesting. Oh and did I mention it is brand new with air con and an ensuite and a lovely big kitchen and myown laundry and 3 bedrooms and a backyard albeit small but our own backyard nonetheless.
Let me give you a visual of what we currently live in:
Two bedroom upstairs flat
Old unrenovated
Dirty falling apart
Shag carpet was once white now greyish
Kitchen the size of a small bathroom
Bathroom the size of a broom cupboard
Shared backyard which is ok as Dylan has a friend downstairs
Shared laundry downstairs
I must admit though I have loved living here it has been a real era of my life as I have lived in this flat for 13 years. I moved in here at 22 by myself with nothing not even a fridge I had a bed a couch and my teenage bedroom furniture. I then acquired a roomy the lovely Anna (who is still my dear friend) and a table and a fridge. Then I acquired Mark when Anna moved out and that was cool asd he is a sweetheart and gay. Then I got Loren who was here for 18 months and she was cool too. Then the psycho Kristy but I will save that story for another day she stayed 3 months and then I kicked her out. Then Seona moved in, she had always wanted to live in this flat ever since she saw it and then finally she was able to, she is a friend from the street I grew up in. Then sadly for Seona she introduced me to the husband and so then he moved in and she moved out. And he has been here for 8 years, poor him.
So many things have happened in this flat. I finished my degree here. We conceived three children here (one in our hearts, one STILL in utero). Many life changing decisions have been made here. A few parties. Friendships made and broken. Hearts broken (mine). Lots of fun. Lots of music and movies. Lots of playing (with Dylan). Just lots. It is sad to leave but as there is no room left at the inn we must move.
So off we go to the BURBS!
Come on baby almost ready now.
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