Well I am back again again feeling happier and fatter. That's right I am 14 weeks pregnant yay hip hip hooray and hallelujah. I am still feeling very wary about it all but after seeing our newest little one at our 12 week scan two weeks ago I must say I felt very relieved. I think though that I I will only feel completely at ease once I start to feel movements. I am so excited ot be sharing this journey with my lovely friend Lyric who is about 11 weeks ahead of me and it is her second bub too. Dylan was 8 months old when her little girl was born so this time she is ahead and our babies will only be 10-11 weeks apart.
I have had morning sickness which really only ceased last week and I have actually had a day here and there still of it which is annoying but as long as I eat I manage to stay on top of it. And on the subject of eating well I have already gained 5 kilos eeeekkkkkkk and as I was 3 kilos heavier than what I had hoped my pre-pregnancy weight would be I am seriously behind the eight ball in the weight gain stakes. So I have to be really careful this trimester not to gain too much and again in the third trimester. I gained 20 with Dylan and do not want to do that this time because it is so hard to lose afterwards. Other symptoms at the moment are tiredness and sore/itchy boobs.
I am predicting a boy this time but DH predicts a girl so we will see who is right. I have my fave boys names picked out just have to get Jimmie on board with them and then work on the girls names. We have decided not to find out this time, we found out with Dylan and this time I want a surprise. If we can hold out at the 20 week scan.
Anyway great news all round. I have my first midiwfe appointment today as I am going to have this baby at a midwife run birth centre so that will be interesting. See you all soon.
I'm so thrilled for you! I was sad to read of your loss, and this post is a happy surprise. Congratulations. Getting through that 12 week scan is a great sign.
Thanks Melissa and I heard the lovely heartbeat again last week at my miwdife appointment so all going well so far.
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