Of crawling that is. Well you have been on the verge for almost two months now and still not doing it not that I am worried. What does worry me though is that you love sitting on your bottom and doing this pelvic thrust thing which I believe may lead to bum shufling which I do not want you to do. Your granny was a bum shuffler but not for you missy. You hate staying on your tummy too long but I try to push it with lots of toys put in front of you to play with and sometimes I do resort to a dummy just to stretch you out a bit (mind you does not really work) ha! So maybe by 9 months you might be on the move.
Another thing you are doing is trying to pull up on things especially mummy. It is very clever and shows how strong you are. You desperately want to stand up funny thing.
You are loving your baby led solids and tried many new things this month one that you seemed to like a lot was corn on the cob. You have your faves already though, they are blueberries, cheese, cucumber, carrot, pumpkin, meat and toast. But you don't seem to dislike anything so far which is good. You are very handy with your hands and can pick up a blueberry or pea in your palm and get it in your mouth. Your friend Evie does it with her fingers now so I am guessing you will do that in the next couple of months.
You adore your big brother and love to smile at him in between mouthfuls of boob in the morning while we all sit on the couch. You love most things he does and you smile and giggle. Some things you are not fond of are being pushed over, being poked, being pulled and being rough handles, lucky mummy or daddy are usually around to save you. You get it a bit at playgroup too so I am thinking you may end being a tough one. Who knows.
Mummy is still keen to have a third baby and even though some of your brothers behaviour turns me off I realise neither he nor you nor a third bub would be a 4 year old forever. Daddy has said yes too so I guess the ball really is in mummys court and I will see how I am feeling about it all next year. Dylan has requested another baby but a boy one this time, lol. We will see.
Anyway I am sure you are doing lots of other lovely things but I cannot remember at the moment so will tell you another time.
Love you sweet girl.