Wow I am as hopeless with this blog as I became with my EB diary, oh well!
Dylan is such a joy. I think I love 18 months! He is saying more and more words, here is a list of what he can say that I can understand:
Dat - that
Mumma, mummy, mum
Dadda, daddol, daddy, dad - why does hubb gets more, sniff, haha!
Eyee - Elly
Eyo - Elmo
Doo doot - any train, car, any vehicle basically
Owwwwwwwwwwww - For Tasha our cat and any cat in general
Kewl - I think this means cool
Howo - Hello
Ee saw - see saw
That's all I can think of but he also speaks to us in sentences which of course only he understands. He has the most beautiful gorgeous sing song angelic voice I have ever heard. I just melt when I hear that little voice say all the things he can say. Especially when he looks up at me and says "Mumma" oh my goodness I am a puddle of love when he does that.
Dylan is also singing a lot and they are usually little made up ditties of his own but today I swear that he started to sing Twinkle twinkle little star as I heard him sing the first two notes, then after this he was singing Jingle bells but not in the right tune but definitley the correct phrasing "Mm mm mmmmm mm mm mmmmm mm mm mmm mm mmmm!" what a cutie. I did say when he was born and they handed him to me and I looked down into his wide open screaming
mouth that he was going to be a lead singer. Of course my mum has his destiny mapped out as a concert pianist, ballet dancer, writer and doctor!!! I hope he will be into music but if not oh well it is his life to live.
He is running a lot more and runs while we walk. He hates to be in out arms being carried while we are out and much prefers to walk/run althugh at home he is very willing to be carried around.
He does such grown up things at times, like this morning he reached up to the sink and grabbed one of his sippy cups and brought it up to me while I am here on the computer and asked for juice I mean not in those words but i knew what he meant. Not that I give him juice very often in fact it is very rarely that I will give him juice he just loves his water too much.
He has done a poo and a wee on the potty, what a big boy.
He is divine and handsome and lovely and loving. He will come up in the middle of playing and have a hug and a kiss with me and then go back to playing. I look at him now and I looke at him as a tiny baby and I get so clucky and can't wait to have another baby and I hope he or she will look just like Dylan.
I love my boy so much.