Ooohhh yay I was tagged by Lyric
1. Where is your mobile phone? Right next to me what a dork!
2. Where is your significant other? At a rehearsal ah the joys of being a rock n roll widow!
3. Your hair color? Strawberry blonde with two blonde streaks that need redoing. I want more blonde in it.
4. Your mother? Stresses me out at times but is a great friend at others.
5. Your father? Is eccentric, a fabulous cook, has many wild ideas, knows a lot about a lot and loves his children and grandson dearly.
6. Your favorite things? I love my new Ipod nano that I purchased today. My green magna. Books, magazines. My DVDs.
7. Your dream last night? I dreamt about work yuck. I did a First Aid course last week and dreamt I had to help someone who was rather portly, aaarrrggghhh!
8. Your dream/goal? To have another baby or two, I hope for at least one girl but if I get all boys then that is ok. I want a house too, with a laundry and a nice kitchen and a yard for my boy to explore and a room for Jimmie to keep his guitars and CDs and things and a bathroom with a seperate bath and shower not a shower over bath. Plus airconditioning. I would also love to eventually leave my current job and work in a field I am more interested in such as teaching or something to do with babies/pregnancy.
9. The room you're in? Our lounge room with the unpainted water stained ceiling and the horrid shag carpet and our velvety black couches with fluff/cat hair and baby snot/spew all over them nice. The tele is on in the background. I am sitting at my beautiful dark wood freedom desk which I love.
10. Your hobby? Reading, watching movies, playing with my boy.
11. Your fear? Losing someone, losing things.
12. Where do you want to be in six years? With at least one (or two) more child in our own home that is paid off or almost paid off. With another qualification. Not working where I currently work. In a happy relationship (hopefully still in the one I am in now)
13. Where were you last night? Here at home eating a yummy dinner with my family then hanging out with hubby.
14. What you’re not? Pregnant (sniff).
15. One of your wish list items? A bike for me with a wee rider on it for Dylan so we can go out cycling together.
16. Where you grew up? Sorrento and Ferntree Gully.
17. The last thing you did? Went in to my son's room to lay him back down to sleep for the fourth time after hearing him saying "mummmeeeeeee, mummmeeeee" through the monitor. Oh and paid some bills.
18. What are you wearing? A cute blue polkadot baby doll nightie and pink slippers.
20. Your pet? A timid little black girly cat called Natasha May or "Shasha" as Dylan calls her.
21. Your computer? Four years old, would love a laptop I could be doing this in bed!
22. Your mood? Optimistic that I am going to get pregnant in the next month or so, I hope.
23. Missing someone? My husband while he is at his rehearsal.
24. Your car? Beautiful green magna 6 years old. Dylan calls it "mummys car".
25. Something you’re not wearing? Underwear, I am sure you all wanted to know that.
26. Favorite store? Baby bunting I know I am sad.
27. Your summer? Hot, nice, BBQs, drinks, icy poles, my husband loves it.
28. Love someone? My son, my husband, my friends, my family.
29. Your favorite color? Black and purple.
30. When is the last time you laughed? This afternoon watching Dylan get up to some antics.
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday when hubby was nasty to me about bloody Sorrento.
I love doing this type of thing sad I know.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
We are on the Trying to Conceive path again, we actually started 4 months ago. Last cycle I had the usual pre menstrual spotting for a few days and then it stopped and so on CD 27 and 13DPO I tested and got a BFP but it was very, very faint but DH could see it too and so I thought I would test again the next morning as I had taken the test at night. The next morning I got up a little excited and took another test but BFN. So I thought I will wait until tomorrow and test again. But I didn't need to as AF arrived in all her glory, waaaaaa. And Af who is usually 5 days or so continued on and on and on some days were just spotting then when I had had it for 13 days it got super heavy again like day 1 and I had had enough so I took myself off to my lovely GP John who told me he suspected an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. And I felt a little sad at that point. He was very sympathetic and sent me off for an ultrasound to ensure there were no retained products which there weren't thanks goodness. Then bleeding continued on for another 4 days so 17 days all up and now I am waiting waiting for something to happen AF or O, I think I am on CD 31 sigh. When will I be pregnant again? I so want another baby and I know it will happen but when. Sigh.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Teeth boobs and words
I have yet again been very slack with this diary. I read in awe of Averil's diary and the fact that she always has entries every week. Ugh I am a hopelessly slack blogger.
Dylan now has 15 teeth not that he will let me touch look at or clean them. After months of battling with him to let me clean his teeth I had started to wrap him up after his bath in his towel and brushing them around the screams and the wriggling, it was all too hard. I did try giving it to him in the bath, having me and hubby do it at the same time, etc, I have now resorted to using a dab of children's toothpaste on the brush and he does a little scrub scrub but mostly just eats the yummy minty fresh paste, sigh! I wnat to protect his darling little teeth. Dylan is still to get one more eye tooth and his 2 year old molars and then it will be over, the snotty nose, the bad nights, the moodiness, yay, bring on the end of teething.
I finally weaned Dylan off his morning "mumma boobie" time last weekend and it has been hard on both of us. I used a combination of distraction and bribery to do it. I was hoping he would wean himself but it became apparent that he loved mumma's pillas too much. The first day was ok he didn't seem too fazed but pretty much every day since he has asked for the boobie in his Dylan way, by pulling at my top or just pointing to them, and he does get a bit sad about it. Me too. I have had a few tears about giving it up but it was time. I feel as though my body is hanging on to weight that it doesn't need so it was time to stop. My boobs though have been sore since day two which is very annoying especially because I like to spend some of my night sleeping on my tummy and Dylan doeslike to climb all over me and poke me and that hurts. I didn't think they would continue to be sore for so long. Unless I am pregnant??!!?? Doubt it.
Lots of words are coming out of our little man's mouth, There are new ones every week. Plus some two word sentences have started, the first was "bye bye daddy" he also says "Mumma dat" and "Mumma more". He has such a cute voice I need to get him on video more. He is also having lots of conversations with us not that we can understand them but he does these long sentences of babble and I am sure one day very soon they will turn into sentences that we can understand. Hopefully.
Dylan now has 15 teeth not that he will let me touch look at or clean them. After months of battling with him to let me clean his teeth I had started to wrap him up after his bath in his towel and brushing them around the screams and the wriggling, it was all too hard. I did try giving it to him in the bath, having me and hubby do it at the same time, etc, I have now resorted to using a dab of children's toothpaste on the brush and he does a little scrub scrub but mostly just eats the yummy minty fresh paste, sigh! I wnat to protect his darling little teeth. Dylan is still to get one more eye tooth and his 2 year old molars and then it will be over, the snotty nose, the bad nights, the moodiness, yay, bring on the end of teething.
I finally weaned Dylan off his morning "mumma boobie" time last weekend and it has been hard on both of us. I used a combination of distraction and bribery to do it. I was hoping he would wean himself but it became apparent that he loved mumma's pillas too much. The first day was ok he didn't seem too fazed but pretty much every day since he has asked for the boobie in his Dylan way, by pulling at my top or just pointing to them, and he does get a bit sad about it. Me too. I have had a few tears about giving it up but it was time. I feel as though my body is hanging on to weight that it doesn't need so it was time to stop. My boobs though have been sore since day two which is very annoying especially because I like to spend some of my night sleeping on my tummy and Dylan doeslike to climb all over me and poke me and that hurts. I didn't think they would continue to be sore for so long. Unless I am pregnant??!!?? Doubt it.
Lots of words are coming out of our little man's mouth, There are new ones every week. Plus some two word sentences have started, the first was "bye bye daddy" he also says "Mumma dat" and "Mumma more". He has such a cute voice I need to get him on video more. He is also having lots of conversations with us not that we can understand them but he does these long sentences of babble and I am sure one day very soon they will turn into sentences that we can understand. Hopefully.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
A post about Dylan
Wow I am as hopeless with this blog as I became with my EB diary, oh well!
Dylan is such a joy. I think I love 18 months! He is saying more and more words, here is a list of what he can say that I can understand:
Dat - that
Mumma, mummy, mum
Dadda, daddol, daddy, dad - why does hubb gets more, sniff, haha!
Eyee - Elly
Eyo - Elmo
Doo doot - any train, car, any vehicle basically
Owwwwwwwwwwww - For Tasha our cat and any cat in general
Kewl - I think this means cool
Howo - Hello
Ee saw - see saw
That's all I can think of but he also speaks to us in sentences which of course only he understands. He has the most beautiful gorgeous sing song angelic voice I have ever heard. I just melt when I hear that little voice say all the things he can say. Especially when he looks up at me and says "Mumma" oh my goodness I am a puddle of love when he does that.
Dylan is also singing a lot and they are usually little made up ditties of his own but today I swear that he started to sing Twinkle twinkle little star as I heard him sing the first two notes, then after this he was singing Jingle bells but not in the right tune but definitley the correct phrasing "Mm mm mmmmm mm mm mmmmm mm mm mmm mm mmmm!" what a cutie. I did say when he was born and they handed him to me and I looked down into his wide open screaming
mouth that he was going to be a lead singer. Of course my mum has his destiny mapped out as a concert pianist, ballet dancer, writer and doctor!!! I hope he will be into music but if not oh well it is his life to live.
He is running a lot more and runs while we walk. He hates to be in out arms being carried while we are out and much prefers to walk/run althugh at home he is very willing to be carried around.
He does such grown up things at times, like this morning he reached up to the sink and grabbed one of his sippy cups and brought it up to me while I am here on the computer and asked for juice I mean not in those words but i knew what he meant. Not that I give him juice very often in fact it is very rarely that I will give him juice he just loves his water too much.
He has done a poo and a wee on the potty, what a big boy.
He is divine and handsome and lovely and loving. He will come up in the middle of playing and have a hug and a kiss with me and then go back to playing. I look at him now and I looke at him as a tiny baby and I get so clucky and can't wait to have another baby and I hope he or she will look just like Dylan.
I love my boy so much.
Dylan is such a joy. I think I love 18 months! He is saying more and more words, here is a list of what he can say that I can understand:
Dat - that
Mumma, mummy, mum
Dadda, daddol, daddy, dad - why does hubb gets more, sniff, haha!
Eyee - Elly
Eyo - Elmo
Doo doot - any train, car, any vehicle basically
Owwwwwwwwwwww - For Tasha our cat and any cat in general
Kewl - I think this means cool
Howo - Hello
Ee saw - see saw
That's all I can think of but he also speaks to us in sentences which of course only he understands. He has the most beautiful gorgeous sing song angelic voice I have ever heard. I just melt when I hear that little voice say all the things he can say. Especially when he looks up at me and says "Mumma" oh my goodness I am a puddle of love when he does that.
Dylan is also singing a lot and they are usually little made up ditties of his own but today I swear that he started to sing Twinkle twinkle little star as I heard him sing the first two notes, then after this he was singing Jingle bells but not in the right tune but definitley the correct phrasing "Mm mm mmmmm mm mm mmmmm mm mm mmm mm mmmm!" what a cutie. I did say when he was born and they handed him to me and I looked down into his wide open screaming
mouth that he was going to be a lead singer. Of course my mum has his destiny mapped out as a concert pianist, ballet dancer, writer and doctor!!! I hope he will be into music but if not oh well it is his life to live.
He is running a lot more and runs while we walk. He hates to be in out arms being carried while we are out and much prefers to walk/run althugh at home he is very willing to be carried around.
He does such grown up things at times, like this morning he reached up to the sink and grabbed one of his sippy cups and brought it up to me while I am here on the computer and asked for juice I mean not in those words but i knew what he meant. Not that I give him juice very often in fact it is very rarely that I will give him juice he just loves his water too much.
He has done a poo and a wee on the potty, what a big boy.
He is divine and handsome and lovely and loving. He will come up in the middle of playing and have a hug and a kiss with me and then go back to playing. I look at him now and I looke at him as a tiny baby and I get so clucky and can't wait to have another baby and I hope he or she will look just like Dylan.
I love my boy so much.
Friday, January 11, 2008
A new year a new us!
We have had some very hot weather here recently and it has upset Dylan's (and mine) sleep a bit although last night was pretty good I was asleep by about 9 and Dylan slept through so I did too, yay. We are moving Dylan into his own room today. The room that took longer to paint and carpet than it took the pyramids to build. We have put some of his toys in there and his change table/chest of drawers and I have been telling him that it is his room but today we are putting his cot in there and he will have his first night there. I am just going to be positive and hope that he goes down well tonight. I am fearing that I might get a bit of seperation anxiety from the experience. We will see. I will post a photo of the new room as soon as it is complete. It is like I am decorating his nursery (at 18 months) and it is very exciting.
The new year new us business is because well it is a new year that being 2008 and I am hoping that some good things will happen for us this year. Weight loss for me. The start of a new course for me. A job for hubby. Quit smoking for hubby. A house for the three of us. My/our finances in order. Some pretty big things there.
I enrolled in a course yesterday which is a certificate 3 in children's services which I am doing by correspondence and hope that it will lead me into a Dip Ed in primary or early childhood, I am hoping the latter. The course is for 24 months and as I was hoping we would start TTC in July this year I am considering delaying this until early next year. But we will see. I am sure it would be harder to complete the course with a newborn and a toddler.
Anyway it is an exciting new year and I hope these things will happen for us.
The new year new us business is because well it is a new year that being 2008 and I am hoping that some good things will happen for us this year. Weight loss for me. The start of a new course for me. A job for hubby. Quit smoking for hubby. A house for the three of us. My/our finances in order. Some pretty big things there.
I enrolled in a course yesterday which is a certificate 3 in children's services which I am doing by correspondence and hope that it will lead me into a Dip Ed in primary or early childhood, I am hoping the latter. The course is for 24 months and as I was hoping we would start TTC in July this year I am considering delaying this until early next year. But we will see. I am sure it would be harder to complete the course with a newborn and a toddler.
Anyway it is an exciting new year and I hope these things will happen for us.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Christmas and all that jazz!

Christmas came and went so quickly there is always such a long lead up to it and then BAM it's over. Our Christmas was wonderful. Christmas morning Dylan awoke at his usual just before 7am yawn! Then we played for awhile and had breakfast and waited to wake Daddy up as Daddy likes to sleep in, so we waited not so patiently until 9 and then went and jumped on Hubby. I took all the presents from us and 'Santa' into the room and proceeded to give Dylan his gifts. Hubby armed with the video camera and me with the digital camera, I wanted every little bit captured for our memories! And Dylan did not disappoint, he ripped open wrapping paper left right and centre like an old seasoned pro he even tried to open my present from him. He looked at his gifts with delight and he wanted to play with everything all at once.
After all the present shenanigans we all got ready and went off to Grandma and Papas aka Hubbies parents place where we were greeted with more gifts and a platter of seafood, mmmmm, and I discovered my little darling boy has expensive tastes he loves smoked salmon and prawns! Me too. Dylan had his nap and during his nap we sat down to a lovely roast lunch and as we sat down Dylan decided that 40 minutes was enough of a sleep for the day and up he was. After much eating, drinking, and napping was done Hubby's brother arrived with his wife and their 3 boys and we had more present exchanging. (note I got my own way and all the adults received presents yay!) I was a bit disappointed with my 6 year old nephews reaction to the present we gave him, it was from the national geographic shop and is a shark game where you have this plastic shark and you open it's jaws and then each player pushes down a tooth each turn and then randomnly the jaws snap shut, it's a game of chance. I think he was afraid of it and did not look impressed. I usually do so well with the kids pressies., oh well. From his grandma and papa Dylan received a clam shell sandpit/pool which he loved playing in on christmas day.
We then had to drive to my mum's place where we had dinner with mum and my brother who is currently single. More presents of course! We discovered that Dylan is very sensible and discerning when it comes to presents, my mum gave him the least interesting present first which was clothes and he started unwrapping it but as soon as he saw what it was it was tossed away in favour of more exciting packages, funny little fella!
After all of the attention and food and presents my little darling was pooped and so we headed home and he went to sleep dreaming of all of his new toys (but not the boring clothes from Gran, which I might add were pretty cool, well they would be I picked them out)!!! So another successful Christmas we all got spoilt, our tummies full and our families happy we were together. Next year I dream that we are in our own home and we can have a tree and I plan to do Christmas at our place with everyone invited, ooohhhhh it will be so gorgeous.

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